Saturday 26 December 2009

Blogger Template | Green Day

Green Day is a 2 column template, with an fixed width design.Template is loaded with menu links at the top and gifted with very high quality images.It looks like an premium one with many more features like to have welcome message at top of sidebar and also an search and rss widget ready with it.Just what you have to do is small customization in menu links and change one timstamp format which you will find in settings below.Ad ts good for those who love to use green color as its full of green.

If you want more better templates then check for sure Irresistible and Bueno as both are premium templates given of free from woothemes.

Green Day Template Installation

  • Timestamp Format

  • Just Go To Blogger Layout > Settings > Formating > Timestamp Format and just select the format as shown in picture below and save it.

  • Top Menu Links

  • Just find the below codes and edit the links and text in it.

  • Welcome Text

  • Just find below codes

    Write all your content here.

    Just replace red text with your welcome message.

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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