Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Add Gravatar to Blogger

        Gravatar is  A Globally Recognized Avatar
Your Gravatar is an image that follows you from site to site appearing beside your name when you do things like comment or post on a blog. Avatars help identify your posts on blogs and web forums . is an awesome neat website that allows you to host an avatar and use it all over the web. Most blogging applications have support for Gravatar.

If you select any good looking or some attension seeking avatar than you will certainly gain good hits on your site from referrals on which you have commented . is an awesome neat website that allows you to host an avatar and use it all over the web.
Most blogging applications have support for Gravatar.
Blogger doesnt have !
Its easy to add  Gravatar onto Blogger.
Simply go to and sign up, then upload your avatar and assign it to your email address . Once that is done you will need the link to your gravatar, that isn't easily accessible from the gravatar website, but you can work it out. The URL starts like this:
On the end of the url you need to put a MD5 hash on the end of it. Visit miracle salad to create your MD5 hash. On the miracle salad page simply enter the email you used to sign-up to Gravatar in the "string" text box and click "md5". Copy the string it provides you and paste it onto the end of the url above, it should then look something like this ae1d6c6e784513999c51a27c5c89a39a

Than add this after

therefore , this is obtained
Thats mine Gravatar ! Use it to embed in blogger profile or if you register any site an if you want to upload pic , then just pick up this url and upload it directly from web instead of uploading from pc and using hell lot of bandwidth !

You can now use that URL to post your gravatar anywhere like add it to your blogger profile and similarly when you comment on wordpress blogs your avatar will be similar !
On any blog possessing gravatar plugin your avatar will be same , just you have to insert correct details of your email id and name and website but its not possible to show avatars of gravatar on blogger by directly commenting , for this you need to comment as a blogger profile and have to be logged in !
In short in wordpress if you are commenting with regisered gravatar , in any wp blog , you comment avatar will be same , but in blogger if you want your avatar to display , there is no choice but to sign in with blogger profile , but the site your avatar will  how after you coment will not be your website/blog but will be your blogger profile url , thus even by commenting , backlinks will not be avalable , but yeah , if you choose
name/url field when commenting in blogger , than you will get back-link but avatar will not appear !

But in gravatar site , heres the note

We are in the process of discussing with Blogger the possibility of adding a gravatar template tag to their arsenal.
Until then, however, there are a few third-party commenting systems you can use instead of Blogger's built in commenting system.
blogkomm supports gravatars and can be installed on your server and included in your Blogger templates.
HaloScan supports gravatars and is a hosted solution that you can use on any page (including Blogger posts).

Both these sites are worse ! coz in one we have to pay , and for other it just opens slow and there is just no sense in checking options , its all blown up , filthy website with ugly info
But still it might be better if gravatar comment forms will be available in blogger too ! thats why the main reason people go for wordpress than blogger , there are many reasons as well !
Better to go for gravatar , if not for blogger than for wordpress :D

Heres the tutorial

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