Monday 21 December 2009

Blogger Template | Maalaga

Maalaga is a 2 column template, with an beautiful menu links.Template is loaded with Social Bookmarks button at the top and gifted with very high quality images.It looks like an premium one with many more features like to have show your featured post too at top of post conent and with lots of advertisement option at the top of post and in the sidebar too.Search box is also installed in sidebar.Just what you have to do is small customization in menu links and change header image with yours and description.

If you want more better templates then check for sure Irresistible and Bueno as both are premium templates given of free from woothemes.

Features Of Maalaga Blogger Template

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Two Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Rss Button Ready

  • Twitter Ready Widget

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

  • Top Menu Links

  • Beautiful Comment System

  • 125 x 125 adds Widget

  • Have Featured Post

  • Search Box Ready

Hacks Supported By Template

Maalaga Template Installation

  • Header Image And Description

  • Just find below codes and change the image link with your header and description with your blogs description.

    Find :-

    div#sitename h1 { background: transparent url('') top no-repeat; }

    Change the background image with yours.

    Find :-

    Maalaga Blogger Template

    Just another Blogger Template

    Change the title and description with yours.

  • Top Menu Links

  • Just find the below codes and edit the links and text in it.

    Replace # with links and bold ones with linking text.

  • Second Menu Links

  • Just find below codes and edit the links to your and also the linking text all in red.

  • Featured Post

  • Find the following codes :-

    Just replace bold text with post title and red link with image link and text in italics with post summary and # with post link.

  • Social Bookmarking Icons

  • Just find below codes and change all the username links written in italics to yours.

    • RSS Link

    • Facebook Link

    • Twitter Link

    • StumbleUpon Link

    • Delicious Link

    • RSS Link

    • Digg Link

  • 468 x 60 Add banner

  • Just find below codes and change with your advertiser link and its banner link or with google add codes between ad start and end comment.


  • 125 Banner Ads

  • Just find the below codes:-






    Now replace the # with links and image link with yours or either completely remove all codes if you don't want banner ads.

  • Archive Format

  • If you are using blogger archive in your sidebar i suggest to select these settings.Just go to Blogger Layout > Click On Edit Button Link of Blog Archive Widget . A pop-up window will open just select from there the style as Flat List.As Blog will look nice with it.

If i left something that you need more while installation of template or something where i got wrong in explaination or made complex let me know.

Donate If You Like The Work

If You Really liked our work and want us to continue provide these premium templates for free, Then support us by donating something you feel for this design by using paypal button in my sidebar.
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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