Friday 18 December 2009

Blogger Template | Newzmag

Newzmag blogger template i.e Newspaper, or some say it is magazine type of theme. This template is very in demand for all those who run dynamic content weblog.Blogger writing daily content news will love it a lot.Twitter account is ready to be added within the theme setup. Suitable for beginner or journalism who write a lot.Rss feed widget is also ready and very beautiful slider with image thumbnail used in it.For more features and its live demo you can read on below.

If you are not in search of this type of template the other templates you can give the trial are sGallery and Mainam.

Features Of Newzmag Blogger Template

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Two Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Rss Button Ready

  • Twitter Ready Widget

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

  • Top Menu Links

  • Beautiful Comment System

  • 125 x 125 adds Widget

  • Auto Slider Featured Post

Hacks Supported By Template

Newzmag Template Installation

  • Header Title

  • Just find below code and change the text in red with your title.

  • Top Menu Links

  • Just find the below codes and edit the links and text in it.

    Replace # with links and bold ones with linking text.

  • Featured Content Slider

  • Just Go To Blogger Layout > Page Elements > Click on Edit Button of HTML/Javascript Widget as shown in below picture

    And add the following codes to it.

    Replace :-

    # :- With Post Link
    Bold Text:- With Post Title
    Green Text Link:- With Image Link
    Text In Italic :- With Post Description
    11th October 2009 :- With Your Post Date
    /#comments :- With Post url Like this http://post-url/#comments

    Now edit all like this or i just give you basic formt for it below.Just keep on making yours.

If i left something that you need more while installation of template or something where i got wrong in explaination or made complex let me know.

Donate If You Like The Work

If You Really liked our work and want us to continue provide these premium templates for free, Then support us by donating something you feel for this design by using paypal button in my sidebar.
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