Wednesday 16 December 2009

Advantage and Disadvantage of dofollow , nofollow blog

        First of all what exactly is meant by do-follow is the biggest question many netizens still dont know and still some are not interested in knowing LOL but this is one of the most important question for newbie bloggers .

Whether a blog should be dofollow or nofollow ?

 Most of the top bloggers have a no-follow blog and will suggest to leave nofollow attribute on your blog and some  [ like me ] will suggest to add dofollow attrible to your blog.
Both of the attributes have there own advantages and disadvantages. 

Below are some of the advantages and disadvantages of dofollow and nofollow blogs i think that would surely be useful for bloggers out there but even if you think that you should swap your attribute , then no problem you can again go reversible , its just 10 sec work

                    Almost blog software comes with rel="nofollow" attribute on any hyperlink on their comment system. This code will tell google ,yahoo , bing and other search engines to ignore hyperlink on the comment system. It means if you put url when you submit comment to these kinda blogs , google etc will not count this as backlink. This method is used by google etc to stop spam on comments in order they can't get backlink by commenting . But some bloggers have modified their blog to remove nofollow on their blog comment. It means if you put url when you give comment, google will count your url as backlink. Its then called as do - follow blog.

To make your blog do-follow or no-follow or to know whats it all about , check my previous post

Advantages of Dofollow Blogs :
  1. It is not just you give free backlink to the others but you can get comment for your posting. 
  2. Usually people love to comment on do follow blog because they will get free backlink while some ppl out there really like to thank the author for the solution they get on blog after googling for the perfect answer of their doubt !
  3. You can also promote or get backlink by free because there are many posting that list all do follow blog. 
  4. Ask blog owner to insert your blog into their do follow blog list and you will get free backlink.
  5. Yeah even most of the do-follow directories are free !
  6. Dofollow blogs attract visitors :D
    More comments on your blog
    Backlinks for your blog
    Popularity of your blog
  7. Link Exchange Requests from other Dofollow Blogs
  8. Get huge traffic and Increase in Page views , Great Pagerank and all SEO stuff to land up on 1st page search results on Search engines [ Only if you have Quality Content ]

Disadvantages of Dofollow Blogs 
  1. Lots of spammy comments :-\
  2. Takes a lot of time to moderate all the comments
  3. Link Juice will be distributed on all out bond links

         There could be more , but i have till now encountered only these many :)
To avoid this you can add akismet or captcha and moderate every comment before publishing it to your blog or best is leave moderation and delete all spam comments in one Go !
Some user maybe don't like this method but it's good way for you to eliminate spam and garbage comment and of course Less but thoughtful and suitable comments .

And for  No-Follow blogs , you will be lucky for 

Advantages of Nofollow Blogs :
  1. Spammers will not spam your blog
  2. Only interested visitor will post comments on your blog
  3. less time to moderate comments
  4. Link Juice will not be distributed on those link which will includes in comments.
but not that much coz now for ,

Disadvantages of Nofollow Blogs :
  1. Less amount of comments even for great stuff !
  2. Some Bloggers will not share there opinion even if they want to , because of nofollow attribute .

So now , what will it be ? Do or No ?
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