Tuesday 15 December 2009

Blogger Template | Potrika

Hello readers,i am again with another blogger template which i don't know you will be going to like or not but i hope some will like it for sure and will use it on your blog.It took a lot time to me to make it but i have made it very easy to setup for you including menu links.Its just simple design,which can have featured post and also don't forget its again a magazine style,one of my favourites.

My last release was Foodiary Blogger template and best one was bueno blogger template.Check it if you haven't checked it.

Let's take an look at potrika blogger template.

Features Of Potrika Blogger Template

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Two Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Adds Ready

  • Top Menu Links

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

  • Automatic Thumbnail

  • Add Featured Post

Hacks Supported By Template

Potrika Template Layout

Potrika Template Installation

  • Header Image

  • Just go to Blogger Layout > Page Elements > Click On Edit Button Of Header as i shown in above layout.A Popup window will open.Just browse for the image of your header from your computer and select an option for Instead of Title And Description and save it.

    To best fit your header use an image of size 239px × 105px as i have used in demo blog.If you wants its psd file and make yours just get it from wordpress download link.

  • Featured Content

  • Just Go To Blogger Layout > Page Elements > Click on Edit Button of New Post Widget or Add a Gadget and open HTMl/Javascript as shown in above picture.And add the following codes to it.


    Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industrys standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing .......

    Just what you have to do is edit the red # with post url,green link with your image link,and text written in bold with post description.

  • Two Menu Links As Linklist

  • When you will go to Layout > Page Elements there you will see two linklist widget as shown in above layout picture.Just click on Edit button and add the links you want to add.

  • 728 by 90 Leadeboard Add

  • Just see the Layout Picture I have shown above.There i have shown you the advertise widget.Just click on the edit button and add your advertising codes there.

If i left something that you need more while installation of template or something where i got wrong in explaination or made complex let me know.

Donate If You Like The Work

If You Really liked our work and want us to continue provide these premium templates for free, Then support us by donating something you feel for this design by using paypal button in my sidebar.
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