Monday 14 December 2009

Blogger Template | Foodiary

Foodiary another blogger template from me which is again a magazine style template.I don't know most of you like them or not but i have many more like these to release,if you like these templates.It was the free wordpress theme from and i converted it for you with full features support from blogger.I have also made to work featured gallery for you to show of your featured content.

As many of bloggers love to show of there content in gallery or can say there most important posts or works to there readers.The first featured gallery template which i released was chucky blogger template which again was magazine style,don't forget to check it for sure.So lets take an demo of foodiary blogger template.

Features Of Foodiary Blogger Template

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Two Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Rss Button Ready

  • Twitter Ready Widget

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

  • Search Box Ready

  • Beautiful Comment System

  • 125 x 125 adds Widget

  • Add Post Automatic Thumbnail

  • Auto Slider Featured Post

Hacks Supported By Template

Foodiary Template Installation

  • Featured Content

  • Just Go To Blogger Layout > Page Elements > Click on Edit Button of HTML/Javascript Widget as shown in below picture

    And add the following codes to it.

    Just what you have to do is edit the red content i.e red link with the image link of your post,red text with post title and # with the post link.Edit all the below content like this to make your own.

    I have hosted the javascripts file in blogger itself because of bandwidth problems.You can host them to your server also to make your template load fast.All three scripts you will get together with template on above download link.

  • Twitter Username

  • Just find below codes and change the twitter username to yours.

  • 125 Banner Ads

  • Just find the below codes:-

    Now replace the # with links and image link with yours or either completely remove all codes if you don't want banner ads.

  • Post Image And Content Size

  • summary_noimg = 730;
    summary_img = 140;
    img_thumb_height = 230;
    img_thumb_width = 295;

    Just find above codes and control these properties to do change in image size and content size if you want to,as many users like to adjust in there own way.You can read about adjusting whole hack here - Automatic Read More Hack With Thumbnail.

If i left something that you need more while installation of template or something where i got wrong in explaination or made complex let me know.

Donate If You Like The Work

If You Really liked our work and want us to continue provide these premium templates for free, Then support us by donating something you feel for this design by using paypal button in my sidebar.
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