Thursday, 10 December 2009

Surf with fake IP using foxyproxy

               Many Social Networking sites are often blocked in colleges and offices like  Blogger blogs, YouTube, Facebook , , hi5 ,bebo , linkedin , orkut ,tagged  , myspace and other entertainment related sites , sometimes even gtalk , yahoo messenger , rediff bol messengers even Gmail , hotmail are blocked  Blogspot blogs are banned in china etc
 In case to Access Blocked Websites what we need is a method to Unblock Restricted Sites
Here are the tricks you can tweak to make yourself anonymous and surf with fullest privacy

  1.         Use a URL redirection service like or but still even url redirection sites may be blocked
  2.         Enter the URL in Google or Yahoo search and then visit the cached copy of the page. To retrieve the page more quickly from Google's cache, click "Cached Text Only" while the browser is loading the page from cache , but this might work only if that restricted site is indexed by search engine , there may be a case where even google , bing or yahoo may be blocked !
  3.      Use a proxy sites like , one of  anonymizer websites that will fetch the blocked web page from their servers and display them to you , but proxy sites are sure-shot blocked by the admin
  4.       You can access blocked or restricted websites by using translation services like Yahoo Babelfish or Google Translate language tools as a proxy server hoping they are not blocked
These might work , but if you are geek then you can try  the FoxyProxy Addon

FoxyProxy is a free, open-source, advanced proxy management tool that helps you in proxying your browsing experience through Firefox. It surpasses the limitations of Firefox's inherent one and gives you quite a wide scope to browse.
What you need is to install Firefox browser and an addon , better is to download it in pendrive and then install in the pc where even the firefox site be not be accessible !
FoxyProxy automatically switches an internet connection across one or more proxy servers based on URL patterns. In other words, it automates the manual process of editing Firefox's Connection Settings dialog box.

Foxy Proxy Tools :
Animated icons- It show you when a proxy is in use.
Advanced logging- It shows you which proxies were used and when.
QuickAdd-  Makes it a snap to create new URL patterns on-the-fly.
Language Tool- It can be translated into more than 25 languages.

Foxy Proxy Features :
  • Animated statusbar/toolbar icons show you when a proxy is in use .You can define multiple proxies.
  • Define which proxy to use (or none!) for arbitrary URLs
  • Better support for PAC files than Firefox itself    (The proxy auto-config file defines how web browsers and other user agents can automatically choose the appropriate proxy server (access method) for fetching a given URL. A PAC file contains a JavaScript function FindProxyForURL(url, host))
  • Foxyproxy is compatible with portable Firefox too.

Other Important Aspects
1. Foxy Proxy Doesn't Anonymize You
Any proxy service hides our ip-address to show a new one to others. But that is not the case. Only Proxy severs do so. And FoxyProxy isn't that. Your ip will be shown while you are browsing the web.
2.  FoxyProxy is not a Tor
3. Easily Secure Your Privacy through FoxyProxy

         If you are using a proxy for complete privacy and anonymity, there are two recommended ways to use FoxyProxy so this privacy and anonymity is maintained:

  1. Use FoxyProxy in dedicated (non-patterns) mode; i.e., "Use Proxy XXX for all URLs". This is indicated by the blue FoxyProxy icon in the statusbar and toolbar.
  2. Use FoxyProxy in patterns mode but change the settings for the default proxy from using your direct internet connection to a bogus (i.e., non-existent) proxy such as localhost:55555. When a URL is reached which doesn't match a whitelisted pattern, the URL will attempt load through this non-existent proxy. The attempt will time out and fail. In this way, you can still leverage patterns but not compromise privacy and anonymity.

Protect Your Privacy from perpetration of Google through Foxy-proxy
Google, the best  search engine, whom you trust the most has a very dark side of it. Google places a cookie inside your desktop that keeps all the searching activity of yours in their records! Thus  a third party may come to know everything you have ever searched for !
  • Download FoxyProxy and restart Firefox when you are prompted after installation.
  • Open the FoxyProxy options window by going to, Tools > FoxyProxy > More > Options in the browser menu or just see the right bottom .

  • In the FoxyProxy options window you will see a Default proxy which is your direct internet connection. You can add your own custom proxy by clicking on the “Add New Proxy” button.

  • Give your proxy a name by filling in the “Proxy Name” field.
  • Next, go to the “Proxy Details” tab and select “Manual Proxy Configuration” where you can add a proxy IP address / host name and port number.
  • There are numerous websites that offer free list of ports and proxies like 

Now you will see all restricted sites only if you put the proxy of the place where the site is not blocked !

To verify ,If you put proxy of china , blogspot blogs would not open
if you put proxy of usa than you can easily sign up Pandora as it is blocked in other countries including india .

FoxyProxy is one of ma favorite addon  and is very featureful and useful Proxy management tool. And it easily beats the likes of SwitchProxy, ProxyButton, QuickProxy, xyzproxy, ProxyTex, and TorButton any given day.
More on Addon
Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl

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