Tuesday 1 December 2009

Read More Buttons Collection For Free Download

We all bloggers have been using read more hack in our blogs but when comes the turn of placing read more button you have no choice to keep only read more text unless you have an perfect read more button to match your blog design or you are good at photoshop to design an good one for your blog.So today i am going to share with you a collection of read more buttons with all different styles and i am sure if you are in the want of it will get fit with at any button for sure from my collection of read more buttons.

And i am sure you would have liked my last collection of 60+ Best Blogger Templates for sure and if you haven't installed read more hack just get it for sure.

I have categorized the collection in four Sections below:-

Just download all four folders from below donwnload link in one click.Some of the buttons are taken from the allblogtools.

Small Size Read More Buttons

Large Size Read More Buttons

Read More Buttons Set

Different Styles Read More Buttons

Just click on the below download button to get download all four set of read more buttons or download it from here.

Just leave your comments for sure whether you liked it or not.
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