Most times, you and your buddy saves it to watch later—then gets back to you when you have long forgotten all about it. Or, they click on the link and head off to YouTube land, leaving you behind in the IM window wondering where the heck they went.
Theres now a new Zync plugin in yahoo messenger that allows people to share videos in sync over Yahoo! Messenger for Windows. You simply run Zync inside of Messenger and type (in the chat window) a video link to YouTube or Yahoo! Video , Volia! The video loads in a little player right next to the chat conversation and you and your buddy stay in sync. If you pause, your friend's player pauses in the same spot. If they rewind the whole video, yours rewinds. You both get to watch the video together like you are sitting on the sofa and sharing the remote.
To use it simply have to install it, and then, when we’re chatting with someone, paste the link to the video you want to do with the other person, and then press the button “Watch with me.”
Now more sites are added :D
- (public videos only)
Hope it continues to add more!
Download Zync Plugin
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