Monday 3 May 2010

Blogger Template | Masipag

Masipag is a free premium like blogger template which all you will be going to like for sure.It is two column template with many inbuild features and ready widgets inside it.Some of the main features are navigational menu links and and three main pages section for your blog at top.Main features are slider gallery for your posts pictures and related posts widget installed in it.It also consists of three column footer.Bookmark widget for posts is also ready and seo for title has also been done.Reated posts widget has also inbuilt.You can also just make your logo with psd file you get with download.

Other blogger templates design with similar types you should check for sure are Masugid and Kodzilla.

Two versions has been provided.One without slider and one with slider.You can use anyone you like.

Template With Slider

Template Without Slider

Masipag Template Installation

  • Header Image

  • With download file you will get psd files for site-name ,just open it in photoshop and make and edit it to yours name and upload it from header widget in blogger layout.

  • Home-About-Contact Page

  • Find below codes:-

    Just replace the # in href='#' with your links in the above codes.

  • Menu Links

  • Find below codes:-

    Just replace the # in href='#' with your links in the above codes and also the following linked text with your text.

  • Image Slider I.e Carasouel

  • Find the below codes.

    Just replace all # above with your links and image links with your images.

I hope you will like this template for sure.If any problems leave the comment below.
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