Wednesday 5 May 2010

Blogger Template | Monkeypr

Monkeypr is a two column blogger template with sidebar to its right and post section to left.The theme is designed by ajansretro and converted by me to blogger.The design is simple and it looks very stunning and purely minima style.Pages Feature ready for you.Seo for title has been done and it supports all blog features and is compatible with all browsers.Rss buttons for posts and comments also available in sidebar.Search bar also ready in sidebar.

Other blogger templates you may like are Highway and dWaterdrops.

Template Installation

  • Date Format

  • Just Go to Blogger Settings > Formatting > Date format
    and select this type of format Monday, April 19, 2010

  • Featured Post

  • Just find for below codes in blogger html and replace with your post title, category and post description and post url.

  • Post Title


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