Wednesday 28 July 2010

Provogue Blogger Template

Provogue is a three column blogger template with sidebar to its right and post section to left.The theme is designed by web2feel and converted by me to blogger.The design is gorgeous and it looks damn proffessional.Top menu links are ready for you.Seo for title has been done and it supports all blog features and is compatible with all browsers.There are two menu widgets for you.One is linklist and other is page widget you can add links from your layout.I hope you will like his template for sure.Special feature in the templates is the featured section and tabbed content navigation widget in sidebar.

Other blogger templates you may like are Warpack and BrandNew Folio.

Hacks Installed In Template Or You Can

Features Of The Template

  • Featured Section

  • Tabber Widget

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Three Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Menu And Submneu Links

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

I request you to Please Back Up your blogger template and all blogger widgets to your desktop or just copy paste all sidebar widgets codes to notepad and save to your desktop for further use in this template.


If you still have any problems , Leave your comments below.
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