Wednesday 11 August 2010

Blogger Released Spam Filter For Comments

Yesterday Blogger Released Spam Filter For all comments done on your blog posts.As all of us faced a lot problems due to the hundreds of spam comments received to our posts and now blogger has brought an solution for it.As you would have seen as in your emails the mail that are not passed through filters are sent to your spam box of your mail automatically.Comments spam filter is same and works like that only.All the comments done on your blog will pass through these filters, if they pass through they will be published, else will reach to your comment spam box on your blog, where you can delete or publish them after reading them.Blogger released it officialy in his article here.

If the comment you find no spam , you can also help blogger treating them as no spam so that next time they reach directly to your post comments instead of spam box.

And now you will see comments tab along with other four tabs for comments like image below.

Under Comments Tab You will see three more tabs

1.Published : All Latest comments published to your blog.
2.Awaiting Moderation: If comment moderation is on, it will show the comments here waiting for your moderation.
3.Spam: The comments which blogger filters treated as spam will be shown here.You can delete or publish if feel they are no spam.

As in between if you still not able to see the comments button like in above image just got to settings > comments and enable the comment moderation.It will show it up.Its an bug by blogger i think will be solved for sure.

I am sure this feature will help a lot for bloggers who receives hundreds of comments daily and mostly to all who don't set there comments to moderation.As this feature will be automatically enabled for all bloggers as like in your mails.So enjoy it.
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