Tuesday 24 August 2010

Blogger Template | jPost

jPost is a three column template and first new template of this type on blogger.The theme is also available on wordpress designed by topwpthemes.The most important part of the template is the sidebar navigation which is fixed to the top right of the template and shows up only on hitting the navigation button.The template has also very beautiful logo with read more hack installed.Other great feature is the comments section in the template i.e to right of post which also make it look so fresh.Rest all other features are made available as like blogger and my all other templates.Seo also been done and pages also working fine.

Other templates of mine which you may also like are Kodzilla and Mayumi.


  • Header Logo And Description

  • Just go to Blogger Design > Edit/html > Press Ctrl+F and find for below codes.

    With download link you will get psd for logo.Just make yours logo from it and upload it anywhere and grab the link to it.

    Just replace the above link in red codes to your logo url and description in red with your blog description and you are done with it.

Now Enjoy using the template.
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