Saturday 21 August 2010

Blogger Template | Old School

Old school is a two column blogger template with post section to left and sidebar to right.The template is elegant in minimalist style for all type of users.Template uses a very nice logo based on for school blogs.It is in blue combination with all blogger features working.Four column footer has also been made for you in it to add your widgets.Commenting system has also been made beautiful, seach bar is also ready at top with subscribe to your blog button bottom to it.Seo for title of blogger has also been done for you.You will like this template for sure.

Other blogger templates you may like are Painted Life and Gamezone.


  • Header Logo

  • Go to Design > Page Elements and upload the header logo from your header widget.

  • Menu Links

  • Go to Design > Edit Html and press Control + F and find for below codes

    Just edit the # with url and corresponding text with linking text to url.

For any problems leave your comment below.
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