Wednesday 18 August 2010

Blogger Template | Work-a-holic

Work-a-holic is a free minimalistic two and three column blogger theme that focuses mainly on showcasing portfolios for artists, web designers, photographers and illustrators.And really it is the best theme you would have ever used on blogger.Theme is fully automatic in functionality.No need to take pains in posting , just post as you were you doing before.The template is especially made for photo blogs.The template is completely in magazine style with all blog features working in it including pages by blogger.Three column footer has also been built to give you extra space to add widgets for homepage.

The two same type gallery templates which you can also like are sGallery and emperors.

Features Of The Template

  • Featured Section

  • Twitter Widget

  • Fixed Width Template

  • Three Column Blogger Template

  • Right Sidebar

  • Menu Links

  • Three column Footer

  • Magazine Style

  • Photoblog

  • Compatible With Mozilla, Chrome and IE7

I request you to Please Back Up your blogger template and all blogger widgets to your desktop or just copy paste all sidebar widgets codes to notepad and save to your desktop for further use in this template.


  • Editing Mneu Links At Top

  • In blogger Design >Edit/html, you will find the below codes.Just edit them as i told below.

    Replace # with your links and corresponding text with linking text.

  • Editing Twitter Username

  • In blogger Design >Edit/html, you will find the below codes.Just replace it with your twitter username.


    Rest three widgets are made at bottom to add footer widgets and one HTML widget is at top to add welcome message to your blog like i have added at left of twitter.

If yo have any other problems you can leave your comment below.
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